New, out of original packaging. KC Tech Supply LLC only accepts payments for confirmed addresses.
To help protect the environment, we use recycled boxes and packaging materials. This reuse means your item may arrive in a box that once contained a different item.
S rules for buyers page. Many of the problems buyers and sellers encounter are the result of misunderstandings about what is for sale and the terms of the sale. For parts or not working, ?And have not been tested and are not guaranteed to be in working order. Any items listed as being in "as-is" condition or for parts, or? Are not returnable for any reason.
S remorse, we will not accept a return. About KC Tech Supply LLC. KC Tech Supply LLC is an eCommerce business that sells electronics and various other technology items. KC Tech Supply LLC frequently checks this system for inquiries and will reply rapidly.
Any logo, brand, or proprietary name on any listed item is property of its respective owner. All such proprietary information used in item listed are meant only for description, and not endorsement of any brand should be inferred.